7 Chakra Imbalances: Ayurveda's Connection to Endocrine Dysfunctions

Ayurveda for everyone

Modern maladies and approach of Ayurveda to healing.
Nowadays every clinician sees a spike in diseases related to endocrine systems -PCOD Hyper or Hypo Thyroid, azoospermia, gynecomastia, Insuline resistence, Type 2 DM morbid obesity and body dysmorphia due to harmonal imbalance in utero as well as during growing up phase of individualisation. Most of the modern maladies fall in two categories. Diseases due to overnutrition or oversaturation and diseases due to malnutrition or deficiency state due to low saturation or failure to thrive.
These are due to imbalances in gut microbiota or gut dysbiosis.
The major problem of gut dysbiosis is chemically laden unnatural or artificially prepared food items or food preparations from industrial FMCG, along with modern lifestyle choices related to cosmetic or beauty products applied on Skin and hair or scalp.
Whatever we ingest through mouth affects the healthy microbiota and whatever we ingest through skin also affects the healthy microbiota, since skin is the largest organ with thousands and thousands of small mouths or pores or openings.

Ayurveda has emphasised proper care of Navdwara or the bodily doors to inner sanctum sanctorium- 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 mouth, 2 nostrils, 1 genito-urinary or urinary opening, and in females 1 Apatyapath or Yoni. Apart trom these major 9 doors, skin as a part of five Sensory organs is also a part of thousands of Doors to the inner world, constantly being a conduit of interactions between outside and inside world of a person.

The chemicals or biochemicals that we ingest via food or via skin pores, if used indiscriminately, then the human biome responds or reacts producing various signs and symptoms in the form of Autoimmune disorders or Harmonal imbalances.

Per Ayurveda Asaatmya-indriya-arth samyog is one of the three root causes of all diseases or illhealth that affects human beings.
This conjunction or engagement of sensory organs with outside objective things needs a moderation so the sense organs work healthily.

in Aetareya Upnishad, it is mentioned that Indriya need a feed and this feed must be regulated by wisdomful willful act, just enough for proper workings. But too much or too little feed will cause Asatmyaindriyarth mithyayoga ayog or atiyog.

Please bear with Sanskrit terms as no proper english term can perfectly describe this point that is mentioned in Charak Samhita

This is why lifestyle choices as well as lifestyle interventions we choose knowingly or unknowingly, affects the salutogenesis, consequently causing diseases.
Most of modern maladies have their root in Asatmya-indriya-artha sanyog, engaging our sensory faculties in actions excessively, wrongfully or not at all, i.e. consumptions via all Doors which becomes the cause for ill-being or well-being.

This is why Ayurveda has emphasized on Shouch in thoughts, intentions, and actions as most imp quality to stay healthy.

If the cause is cutoff then the imbalance in endocrine system or in various exocrine glands also restores to normal functional state thereby facilitating well-being.

Sadly, modern reliance on Pathological tests to diagnose a disease, to name, to treat and likewise to show effect of medicines, doesnt address the root cause of the imbalances captured in pathological tests.
Ayurveda tries to look at the whole being not just a report or a diagnosis of a disease which is reductionist approach applied as clinical medical intervention.
This approach develops Physical and sometimes psychological dependance on the prescribed drugs and the sufferers are hooked to modern drug dispensers for the entire breath of their life till last breath.

Ayurvedic approach is to address the root cause as well as heal the sufferer inspite of sufferings, as suffering is a part and parcel of human life experiences.
And to turn the suffering into a lifelong disease which requires lifeling medications of biochemical cocktails or to turn the suffering into a realisation of life processes and becoming couscious about the root causes to be healthy once again, is wholly dependant upon the person’s choices related to lifestyle interventions by self-motivation as well as with self-responsibility.
No doctor can cause this clinically as its beyond their scope of clinical medicinal practice.
Ayurveda is about empowering the person to take charge of his or her own health like Rathi that takes charge of his Ratha by being a Saarathi so the 4 wheeled lifes journey is on road to wellbeing never getting off tract towards illbeing.

Now, how to correct the course of the journey?

Ayurveda way is more simple. Look at Agni.
Agni low, Aama or free radicals more. more Kashar Lavan Raktapradushak food and beverages via Ultra Processed Foods, then endocrine system will be either overworking or underperforming.

7 Chakra imbalance – is when harmonal feedback mechanism of endocrine glands gets kickstarted .

So Agni correction
by all types of Langhana and Swedana, including physical activity or heating medicines and reducing chronic inflammatory processes , will improve the clinical picture of health.
most of Stresses mentioned in modern explainations are stresses that are taken negatively by the body-mind-soul composite.
Mind matters when endocrine system is out of balance.
7 chakra imbalances, due to faulty codes of conduct esp of Ahar Vihar Achar and Vichar, are related to endocrine dysfunctions which may manifest as insuline resistence to type 2 DM, morbid obesity, hypothyroid. or hyper.. to chronic anemia to hyperuraemia.. kidney malfunctions too.

Treating Rogi or pathalogical Report ?, changes the focus as well as perspectives. This is the biggest difference in approach to healing unlike modern healthcare.

One cause of endocrime disruption may be radioactive minerals ingested as Nutritional supplenents and source is never disclosed on labels of market preperations.

Sources may be recycled electronic gadgets or raw material from radioactive regions, for preparing minerals for nutritional or medicinal use.
if the cause is avoided then, to heal ,no special medicines for lifelong are needed,
Acharya Sushrut has a beautiful sutra – 1st principle of healing

‘तस्मात् सात्म्यं निषेवेत ह्यसात्म्यं परिवर्जयेत्|| ‘

Written by Dr Madhuri Patil
M.D, (Ayurved Samihta & Siddhanta)




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