Beyond Symptoms: Ayurveda's Unique Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment

Ayurveda for Everyone 🙏🌞🪷

Ayurveda uses Darshana shastra derived wisdom as tools for Examination of patient as well as examination of diseases, which cause misery to the particular Jeeva.
So the focus is always on Body Mind and Soul or Jeeva which dwells in the body- mind composite- a visible form and structure as living being.

Ayurveda Diagnosis procedures are based on ten factors and examinations of Nirogi Rogi and Rog, must be within this frame of 10 fold factors to be examined. These are called as Dashvidha Parikshya Bhava – Ayurveda’s unique gift to humankind, timeless beyond barriers and truthful.

Why to examine wholistically an individual who suffers from physical or psychological distress?

Because Ayurveda gives predominance to Rational thought processes by wisdom and intellect, after observing the Environment outside of this body-mind composite, and its effect on the individual living being.
Cause and Effect is the backbone of Ayurved diagnostics unlike the modern way of technology derived diagnostic procedures where effect is observed and cause needs to be found to show causation as well as association without understanding or uncalculating these 10 fold factors which are excluded variables but have effect that is affecting the final outcome, totally oblivious to quantum sciences paradigm- The observer affecting the observed reality..

Who is observer when it comes to examinations?
Ayurveda wisdom says Swa or Self and Modern methods says Lab technicians.

This is why clinical impression from patient is relied on to examine by 10 fold factors and treatment on that basis or therapeutic regimen is advised.

If any anomaly exists and disturbs the process of salutogenesis, there must be a cause.
Salutogenesis or Swasthya, is an approach that focuses on promoting wellbeing by emphasizing the ideal state of health.

Charak Samhita mentions there is no cause for degeneration but there is always a cause for maintaining salutogenesis and to be always in health-promotive processes, called as Swabhavoparam Vada.
Nature of life forms is such that there is no cause for degeneration which is natural part of creation-sustenance- maintenance and destruction, but for staying Swastha, a cause must be provided by us to stay healthy. these causes which are promotive of salutogenesis are very well identified by our Acharya and mentioned in Samhita.

This is why greatest emphasis is always on Dincharya Rutucharya Sadvrutta and Achar Rasayana if one wishes to be healthy with self responsibiliy towards self-healing, Swa is the focal point for Chikitsa (examination, diagnosis and treatment) for long period of healthy lifespans.

This is how knowledge and wisdom from Acharya of Ayurveda empowers everyone esp. when it comes to Health maintenance.

Written by Dr Madhuri Patil
M.D, (Ayurved Samihta & Siddhanta)




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