The Importance of Dharma and Swasthya in Preventing and Overcoming Pandemics

Ayurveda for everyone

Every day we are bombarded with news of the emergence of a newer version of viral disease and a new vector causing or carrying it.
Ayurveda is not new to these diseases. Ayurveda view is all diseases manifest by Tridosha imbalance, causes may be extrinsic or intrinsic for imbalance or dysbiosis. All the diseases are a play of this dysbiosis on the limited playground, made up of Dhatu.

There are seven main Dhatu who hold this visible form and structure as a human being.

Ras Rakta Mamsa Meda Asthi Majja and Sukra.
Apart from these 7, the invisible ones 8th is Oujus and the most important is Chetana Dhatu, which we can equate with the limited field of consciousness, (which may be in a state of the conscious or unconscious spectrum of level as per individual beings level of Self-awareness).

Metabolic waste products are called as Mala, 3 in number- Purish or faeces, Mutra or urine and Swed or sweat. These 3 are the best biological markers of a state of symbiosis or dysbiosis existing or occurring in Dhatu Parinaman, or all the metabolic processes that are happening in various biosystems of the human being’s form & structure.

These systems are affected by intrinsic 3-desha imbalance and/ or by extrinsic causes related to the world outside of our unique manifestation as a being.
The 4-fold code of conduct – Ahar Vihar Achar and Vichar- are mentioned by Our Acharya after repeatedly observing and examining for effect or affectation on symbiosis or dysbiosis.

However, Our Acharya who was also Apta or Rishi of the highest moral & ethical standards with the scientific and research-oriented bent of mind, also observed that in spite of following with maximum accuracy these 4 fold codes of conduct, people were falling ill. so they mentioned the causes of these illnesses which are wholly due to extrinsic causes and affect a large part of the population within a limited location.

Charak Samhita has a beautiful sutra on this occurance of collective illhealth, called as Janpadudhwance or panedemics- epidemics.

भगवानात्रेयः- सर्वेषामप्यग्निवेश! वाय्वादीनां यद्वैगुण्यमुत्पद्यते
तस्य मूलमधर्मः,
तन्मूलं वाऽसत्कर्म पूर्वकृतं;
तयोर्योनिः प्रज्ञापराध एव|

Charak Samhita very clearly indicate the root cause or primordial cause of Pandemics is Prajnaparadha, collectively committed (Deeds of past and present) and socially accepted ( Adharma) intellectual errors or deeds against the natural intelligence of Panchmahabhuta – Akash or Ether or Spece
Vayu or Air,
Tej or Fire,
Aap or Jal water & Prithvi or Earth or soil and ground, on which we manifest with a form and structure held together by Chetana Dhatu or a limitedly unified field of consciousness.

Each Mahabhuta has unique qualities and consequently actions. These qualities are by nature without any humanity-driven technological interventions.
Under Natural laws with its own innate intelligence, Panchmahabhuta or Pentate Universe works with great precision by innate natural intelligence as per each Mahabhuta’s own qualities and actions or Guna and Karma.
It is also mentioned by Acharya Agnivesh, in the context of Yuga, that each Yuga or Timezone, will get depleted of its best qualities by 1/4th in subsequent Yuga due to intellectual errors of collective human beings or Adharm.

To overcome pandemics and to halt future ones, avoidance of Prajnaparadha as part of Dharma for Swasthya is most important.
Due to these- collectively or individually institutionally or by authorities or public figures – committed intellectual errors, Akash Vayu Agni Jal and Pruthvi get polluted and they lose their best qualities affecting the food quality as well as the quality of health of the next generations of human beings. if Guna is depleted then Karma will also be deficient leading to Pandemics and starting off a cycle of Adharma-driven Janpad Udwance.
Why does Panchmahabhuta get polluted?
Why Water is polluted?
Why Ether is polluted by invisible entities of unknown frequencies and vibrations?
Why ground or soils are polluted?
Why our food and drink supply is polluted?

These questions are most important whose answers we must address to avoid future pandemics.
These polluted or Pradushit natural Environmental existents, won’t be able to offer healing herbs if their Dharma is reduced by 1/4th due to loss of qualities and actions.

Pollution induces toxicity within a human being. This toxicity brought on by a toxic environment destabilizes the natural systemic processes within as well as without and becomes a cause of diseases that affect a lot of people at the same time in certain zones or locations.
There is nothing like Virus in Ayurveda.
Visha or toxins are due to a polluted environment ( Pradushit Panchmahabhuta ) which affects the field of consciousness or Chetana dhatu of collectives. If collectively majority of people are not in the conscious field then a deep sense of darkness or Tamas rules and
which in turn forms a mass formation of fear-based pseudo-pandemics of viral diseases.

This phenomenon is described by Carl Jung-
” Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
Toxicity affecting a large number of people is the continuous existent cause of modern diseases or maladies.
Per Ayurveda, there is no virus so no vaccine will ever restore the systemic dysbiosis to a state of homeostasis by symbiosis.
Agadtantra and Grah chikitsa are the branches of Ayurveda that have mentioned how to detoxify poisons from body-mind-soul.

How to reduce and prevent pollutions is in everones hands. With self-responsibility towards the prevention of pandemics, everyone can consciously decide to avoid actions that cause pollution and prevent further pollution by reducing our need for industrially mass-produced products. Industries are the main cause of pollution of Space Air Water and Land.

Kala pradushan also becomes a cause for pandemics. Seasonal variations are seen due to Kala pradushan manifesting as Vyapanna Rutu which again is the major cause of epidemics or pandemics.

Charak Samhita has mentioned Charya or the code of conduct during pandemics. Sushrut Samhita has mentioned Vyapanna Rutucharya when seasons lose their Dharma and manifest in contradictory actions that bring on Natural events affecting the collective wellbeing and health of Janpada or localised population.

This knowledge of Ayurveda- is empowering to stay out of & to break free from the illusory colonially established Virus- Vaccine matrix, which excluded the indigenous Vedic wisdom of Veda.

This is how Knowledge of Ayurveda empowers everyone to take care of their world outside (Environment), as well as the world within, so the world within functioning as biosystems working with symbiosis becomes a cause for Swasthya or salutogenic for All.

Written by Dr Madhuri Patil
M.D, (Ayurved Samihta & Siddhanta)




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